Terms & Obligations

Useful Information
General Terms for Carriage Undertaking

The transportation of documents and parcels through the shipping and processing system of "BIZ COURIER & LOGISTICS S.A." is governed by the terms and clauses mentioned herein. For the transportation of parcels and documents through the shipping and processing system of "BIZ COURIER & LOGISTICS S.A.", the sender has explicit knowledge of the terms and clauses mentioned herein and accepts them unreservedly. No representative, agent or employee of "BIZ COURIER & LOGISTICS S.A.", nor the sender has the right to modify or annul in any way the terms and clauses mentioned herein.

  • Article 1: "Any Accompanying Courier Voucher (for the sake of brevity ACV or SY.DE.TA from Greek) of "BIZ COURIER & LOGISTICS S.A." is a non-negotiable form and the sender acknowledges that: it was completed by him/her or by "BIZ COURIER & LOGISTICS S.A." on his/her order and on his/her behalf. The sender declares and accepts that he/she is the owner or holder, or representative of the owner, or holder of the goods under transport described in each courier voucher for collection – delivery of "BIZ COURIER & LOGISTICS SA". He/she also hereby declares and unreservedly accepts the terms of carriage from the system of "BIZ COURIER & LOGISTICS S.A.", both for him/herself and in their capacity as representative of the principal, owner or holder, of the goods under transport. 
  • Article 2: The sender guarantees that:
    • a) Any item sent or under processing does not fall under the prohibited and unacceptable postal items by "BIZ COURIER & LOGISTICS SA" (article 3),
    • b) Each item listed on each courier voucher for collection - delivery of "BIZ COURIER & LOGISTICS SA", is described correctly and in accordance with the law,
    • c) The required signs, details and the full address of the sender and consignee have been correctly marked in the consignment under processing,
    • d) The consignment under processing has been packed in such a way as to ensure its safe transport
    • e) He/she will pay any and all additional costs incurred during the processing, return or storage of the items, as well as any additional charge required due to the nature of the item (if it is fragile, or if it has a special value, or if there are special requirements during transport, etc.). 
  • Article 3: "BIZ COURIER & LOGISTICS S.A." is entitled but not obliged to check the content of the consignment it undertakes to carry out and is entitled not to receive items for handling if the sender refuses their inspection by a representative of "BIZ COURIER & LOGISTICS SA". "BIZ COURIER & LOGISTICS S.A." is entitled, either upon receipt or at any time after receipt, not to proceed with the processing of a shipment if there are indications of prohibited content, or if the Sender has for any reason provided incomplete or incorrect data for the processing, as well as if it (the company) deems that an item is dangerous to public safety and health, as well as if no customs declaration has been submitted when required by the applicable customs’ regulations and the consignment is not accompanied by the necessary documents required by the competent customs authorities. In particular, "BIZ COURIER & LOGISTICS S.A.", does not undertake the consignment, receipt and transportation of the following items and documents (indicatively and not restrictively): money, currency, gold, precious metals and stones, antiquities, works of art, lottery tickets, bonds, perishable foods, personal correspondence, and general items whose distribution is prohibited by current legislation and international conventions. Moreover, "BIZ COURIER & LOGISTICS S.A." will not accept for transportation those items that are not properly packaged. "BIZ COURIER & LOGISTICS S.A." does not undertake the processing and transportation of postal items when this is contrary to the law or international conventions.  In any case, it does not undertake the processing of money transfers through postal services, except through special Cash on Delivery services, receipts for third parties or electronic transfer.
  • Article 4: "BIZ COURIER & LOGISTICS S.A." is entitled to withhold or not to deliver any transported item in order to secure in-full payment of the cost arising from the transportation (freight-bill of lading, any additional costs incurred during processing such as duties and taxes required in accordance with applicable laws and regulations, customs broker's fee, expenses incurred during the return or storage of items, etc.).
  • Article 5: "BIZ COURIER & LOGISTICS S.A." handles shipments by charging its fee to the recipient. In case of non-payment of the above fee for any reason, the Sender assumes the obligation to settle the bill with "BIZ COURIER & LOGISTICS S.A.".
  • Article 6: "BIZ COURIER & LOGISTICS S.A.", processes shipments of purchases, cash on delivery (COD) and transportations even through a non-written (by telephone - electronic, etc.) order. In these cases, the Contracting person has the rights and obligations of the person listed in the voucher for collection - delivery of "BIZ COURIER & LOGISTICS S.A.", as "Sender". In case of opting for the cash on delivery (COD) service through other means than in-cash (by securities such as cheque, promissory note, etc.), "BIZ COURIER & LOGISTICS SA" bears no responsibility for the date, validity or other details of the security (cheque, promissory note, etc.), while for the date the responsibility is exclusively reliant on the agreement between the sender and the recipient.
  • Article 7:
    • a) In case of proven loss or total theft or total damage of the contents of an envelope bearing a uniquely defined shipment number, a minimum compensation of € 50 and a maximum compensation of € 70 and a refund of the postage fee for the specific consignment shall be paid. 
    • b) For proven loss or total theft or total damage of the contents of a parcel, a minimum compensation of € 100 and a maximum compensation of € 400 and refund of the postage fee paid for the specific consignment are paid.
    • c) For proven loss or total theft or total damage of the contents of an envelope or parcel with declared value/insured, compensation equal to the amount of the declared value is paid and the postage feepaid for the specific consignment is refunded.
    • d) For proven partial loss or partial theft or partial destruction of the contents of an envelope with a uniquely defined consignment and parcel number, compensation equal to the actual value of the loss or theft or destruction shall be paid, provided that it does not exceed the amount of compensation for loss or total theft or total destruction.
    • e) For proven partial loss or partial theft or partial destruction of the contents of an envelope or parcel with declared value/insured, compensation equal to the actual value of the loss or theft or destruction shall be paid, provided that it does not exceed the amount of the declared value.
    • f) If a parcel or courier postal item is returned and the reason for its non-delivery is unknown, the sender is entitled to a refund of the postal fee.
    • g) For proven delay in the delivery of courier items, beyond the agreed time period, compensation equal to € 6 is paid for each day of delay and in case that the delay exceeds five times the agreed delivery time, an additional refund of the postage fee paid for the specific consignment, provided that the total amount of compensation does not exceed € 100. In any case, voluntary insurance of shipments by the Sender shall be carried out at the expense of the Sender, in accordance with Article 8. The declared value of each item is evidenced by the relevant documents to be provided by the Sender.

      In any case, the provisions of Decision 688/52/16.4.2013 (Government Gazette A' 1412/10-6-2013) apply, while the resulting loss of profit is not compensated. "BIZ COURIER & LOGISTICS S.A." contracts with the Sender/Contracting person on the basis of the strict limitation of its liability only for direct damage and up to the limits described above. Under no circumstances shall it be liable for any other type of loss or damage (including but not limited to positive or consequential damage, lost profits, loss of income, etc.) for whatever reason they may occur, even if the risk of such loss or damage was brought to the attention of "BIZ COURIER & LOGISTICS S.A." before or after the acceptance of the consignment. "BIZ COURIER & LOGISTICS S.A.", under no circumstances, is able to know the exact content of each consignment. The Sender unreservedly accepts that the value of the content – in case he/she does not proceed with its insurance by paying the corresponding premium him/herself – is in any case the lowest from the limits indicated in this article and is responsible for any excess of the above limits, in any case of loss or damage to the consignment. Moreover, the user of courier services unreservedly accepts the company limits for compensation as they are described in its webpage and declares that he/she waives any additional claim against "BIZ COURIER & LOGISTICS SA" for any direct or consequential damage or loss of profit from whatever cause, and in any case irrevocably declares that he/she forgives debt from these causes.  Any international carriage is governed by the conditions and limitations of the international conventions in force.
  • Article 8: In case that the customer wishes to cover his/her consignment for larger amounts than those mentioned in Article 7 above, as well as in the case of increased liability coverage of "BIZ COURIER & LOGISTICS S.A.", in addition to the amount mentioned in Article 7 above, a special relevant request from the Sender for additional insurance coverage is required, and the relevant cost will be borne by the customer him/herself. Otherwise, the Sender assumes and accepts sole responsibility for all risks of loss, destruction, or damage. In case of insurance of the transported items with an insurance company or with an insurance policy chosen by the Contracting person or the Sender or a third party, he/she must declare and guarantee to "BIZ COURIER & LOGISTICS S.A.", that the insurance has included the term of waiver of the insurance company's right of recourse against the carrier, and in case of non-inclusion of the above term in the insurance coverage contract he/she becomes responsible to "BIZ COURIER & LOGISTICS S.A.", for any damage that may be suffered from the non-indication of the above term in the insurance coverage contract. 
  • Article 9: "BIZ COURIER & LOGISTICS S.A." maintains and follows the delivery times listed on https://www.bizcourier.eu/ website and in the current price lists and offers of "BIZ COURIER & LOGISTICS S.A." and is not responsible for any damage or loss caused by any delivery delays of shipments beyond the limits set out in No. 688/52 decision of EETT (Government Gazette 1412/10-06-13) in case of a proven, and on its own responsibility, delay in service. The sender unreservedly accepts the above specified compensation amounts and declares that he waives any additional claim against "BIZ COURIER & LOGISTICS S.A.", for any direct or consequential damage or loss of profit from any cause. "BIZ COURIER & LOGISTICS S.A."  Under no circumstances shall BIZ COURIER & LOGISTICS S.A. be liable for delay of collection, transportation or delivery of any consignment or for any loss, incidental or consequential damage or loss of profit, damage, poor delivery or non-delivery due to force majeure or unforeseen causes. "BIZ COURIER & LOGISTICS SA" bears no responsibility for compensating the sender/recipient/principal/customer/user for any consignment and for any reason, if they have not paid in full any financial obligation that they may have towards "BIZ COURIER & LOGISTICS S.A." within the set deadline based on the agreement between them. "BIZ COURIER & LOGISTICS S.A." is entitled to offset any outstanding debts of the beneficiary of compensation with compensation amounts. In addition, "BIZ COURIER & LOGISTICS S.A." bears no responsibility for any direct or consequential damage or loss of profit, due to delay or non-delivery or damage or destruction of the item if the sender has not declared the type, nature and value of the postal item and these are not listed in ACV – SY.DE.TA, as well as when the sender has not issued and delivered to "BIZ COURIER & LOGISTICS S.A.", the tax information as per the provisions of the law, and the necessary supporting documents (Code of Ethics for the provision of postal services, 688/52/16.4.2013). In any case, the liability of "BIZ COURIER & LOGISTICS S.A." for the transported consignments ceases to apply upon delivery of the consignment to the Recipient. The signature of the Recipient, with the indication of the delivery details on the copy of ACV – SY.DE.TA, without the written indication of any Reservation, constitutes indisputable proof of the correctness of the delivery.
  • Article 10: Any claim must be notified in writing to "BIZ COURIER & LOGISTICS S.A." at the following address, 8th km Varis-Koropiou Avenue, PC 19400, Koropi-Attica, within six (6) months from the date of undertaking of carriage by "BIZ COURIER & LOGISTICS S.A.".
  • Article 11: The dispute resolution process for the proper service of customers (users) and for the resolution of any disputes is done either by amicable settlement (through written communication between the principal/user and "BIZ COURIER & LOGISTICS S.A." or by the appointment of a Tripartite Dispute Resolution Committee. For information, users can contact the Customer Service Department of "BIZ COURIER & LOGISTICS S.A." on tel. (+30)2117101466.
  • Article 12: For all services, "BIZ COURIER & LOGISTICS SA" may perform or assign to third parties any of the following activities on behalf of the sender in the context of providing its services to the sender: assign to third parties or fill any document, modify product or service codes and pay any duties and taxes required under applicable laws and regulations and direct the consignment to the customs broker of the consignee in the importing country (by special arrangement.)
  • Article 13: When the postal item cannot, for some reason, be delivered to the recipient or returned to the sender, then it remains for six (6) months from the last failed attempt to deliver it, in the company's warehouses at the sender's expense. After six months, the item is considered definitively undelivered and a procedure for its destruction is followed, after preparation of the relevant destruction protocol by the company. Any costs for the safekeeping of undelivered items which will be notified to the sender/recipient shall be borne jointly and severally by the sender and the recipient. The above procedure excludes items that have been officially withheld or have been declared by the sender to have a value greater than €100, which in consultation with EETT are consequently returned to it.
  • Article 14: In case any dispute arises between "BIZ COURIER & LOGISTICS S.A." and the user/client person, the Courts of Athens are exclusively competent. For any information, users can reach out to us through the Contact Us page.
EETT Certification

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